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Assistance Links

Martha's Vineyard Cancer Support Group

Provides temporary and emergency financial aid for Island cancer patients and their families.  

Call: (508) 627-7958 

The Health Well Foundation

Provides grants and will give reimbursements.  

Call: (800) 675 - 8416

The Patient Advocate Foundation

Provides state by state financial resources, case management, financial assistance and insurance assistance.  

Call: (800) 532 - 5274

Cancer Care

Provides resource guide for local and national cancer services. Brief interview with a social worker to see if you qualify.

Call: (800) 813 - 4673

Good Days

Assists patients with the cost of their medications.

Call: (877) 968-7233

Medicine Assistance Tool

Provides information about patient assisted resources. Call: (888) 477-2669

Mussela Foundation

A research foundation for specific types of primary malignant brain tumors. Offers co-payment assistance for some medications.

Vineyard Health Care Access

Health insurance application assistance for Mass Health, Mass Health Connector plans, and Medicare; dental and prescription assistance service.

Call: (508) 696-0020 | Fax: (508) 696-7352

Ellie Fund

Provides essential support services for breast cancer patients. Contact the MV Hospital social worker Justine Hull: (508) 957-9315

Cape Wellness Collaborative

Provides free-of-charge wellness therapies. 

Call: (774) 408-8477

Transportation Access Program

Assists Island residents and families with excessive costs of off-Island travel due to long-term illness and health/mental health needs requiring services not available on the Island.

Can provide up to $750 per person for travel, hotel stay and parking for medical reasons.


Provides information related to managing finances during treatment, particularly those related to housing and mortgages.

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